Jonathan J. Halperin
Jonathan J. Halperin
Designing Our Future. Together.

Authenticity is the business principle for 2018

Jonathan Halperin. Founder & President, Designing Our Future:

“As the political battle worsens in 2018 in the U.S., and as facts and reality come under further assault, authenticity is the business principle for 2018. Companies that view CSR as window-dressing or a short-term marketing campaign will lose customers and market share to companies authentically embedding purpose into culture, operations, products/services, KPIs and structure.”

(For full article, clink on image link below.)

Jonathan J. Halperin in the Wasington Post






Halperin is a valuable asset to any ambitious leader looking to maximize the performance of their organization.  His capacity to bring business strategy, communications, and social mission into alignment will be delivering returns to Greyston for years to come. Whether designing and facilitating complex stakeholder engagements or presenting new ways of thinking about sustainable supply chains, Halperin consistently brings integrity, professionalism and insight to the task.  He combines the unique ability to address the largest strategic opportunities in an organization while simultaneously bringing people together to execute on near-term challenges.

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 Jonathan J. Halperin Vimeo Channel