Jonathan J. Halperin
Jonathan J. Halperin
Designing Our Future. Together.


A Conversation with Bill Clinton about Climate

Monday, July 4, 2011
Having heard President Clinton speak a few times while he was President, it was inspiring to have a conversation with him on Saturday (July 2) after his unscheduled presentation at the Aspen Ideas Festival.

Geology and The Bottom-Line

Friday, June 24, 2011
Hannah Jones, VP of Sustainable Business and Innovation at Nike, had the most memorable lines among dozens of speakers at two recent conferences, the “Ceres Conference 2011: Igniting Innovation, Scaling Sustainability” and The Conference Board’s “Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability” gathering in Washington, DC

Leaders Today

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Leaders today can little afford to be mere experts.

A Hospital without Patient Safety?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Corporate responsibility is to the management of a company what patient safety is to the administration of a hospital. If you are not doing it, what are you doing?

Are you Handling or Mishandling the Climate Challenge?

Friday, June 10, 2011
The issue of our time is framed for failure.

Going on Three Decades

Friday, June 10, 2011
Difficult to manage, impossible to avoid, and the endless driver of opportunity, driving and managing change has been at the core of my work going on three decades.



Jonathan reflects the best of social entrepreneurship. He leads with his heart but has connected with the great mass of political power and will in society.

more testimonials >

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